
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

From Washington


Ethan Allen Hitchcock was to-day appointed Major General. He is a grandson of Ethan Allen of ‘Reverend’ fame and one of the ‘Praise God Barebones’ kind, being equally effective in praying and fighting. He has the highest reputation for military capacity. Gen. H. is already a veteran in the service, having been Colonel of the 2d Infantry, and having ranked as brevet until within the past two or three years, since when he has been in private life. Gens. Abercrombie and Montgomery were his Lieutenant Colonel and Major, respectively, in old time. He has been urged for this appointment for months.

Efforts to discredit the well-authenticated fact that Gen. McClellan is to be reduced to the command of the army of the Potomac are futile. ‘Ion,’ of the Baltimore Sun, this morning, confirms my statement to that effect.

The nomination of Gen. Sigel as Major General will be sent to the Senate to-morrow.

Maj. Gen. Ethan Allen Hitchcock was confirmed to-day.

Dr. Ives one of the principal editorial writers of the N. Y. Herald, who has been here temporarily for the purpose of reorganizing its Washington Department and acting himself as its chief correspondent, was arrested to-day, by order of Secretary Stanton, and sent to Fort McHenry. He is suspected of being a rebel spy. He has a brother in the rebel army.

Maj. General Hitchcock is now living in retirement at St. Louis. He has been telegraphed to take immediate command at Cairo. He was Assistant Adjutant General to Gen. Scott, and Brigadier General Brevet in Mexico, but offending Jeff. Davis was forced to resign. He is not a slave catcher. His appointment was urgently advocated by Mr. Collamer. He is spoke of as one of the greatest military men in the country.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, February 12, 1862, p. 1

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