
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Further from New Orleans

Severe Engagement at the Forts



FORT PILLOW, April 28. – Despatches from the rebel lines bring the gratifying intelligence that New Orleans has surrendered to our forces under command of Commodore Porter, and that the city is now in quiet possession of Porter.

On Thursday last the Federal fleet passed Ft. Jackson after a desperate naval engagement in which one vessel was sunk and several badly damaged.

It is supposed the Federal loss is very heavy. The rebel loss is 60 killed and 184 wounded.

The engagement lasted part of two days.

The Federals took possession of New Orleans without a struggle on Friday. The rebel force evacuated destroying such steamers as they had no use for, and taking with them the greater amount of military stores on deposit in that city. There is supposed to be a large amount of cotton stored in New Orleans which will fall into our hands notwithstanding the rebel authorities attempted to destroy the entire stock.

The union citizens of New Orleans were very jubilant over the result of their long waiting.

The strength of Fort Pillow is stated by intelligent deserters at 8,000 under Gen. Villipigue, who has not been superceded [sic], as reported. They have seven batteries mounting an aggregate of 26 guns. Matters between our fleet and the fort were very quiet.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p. 3

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