
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

James Barr

Assistant Surgeon James Barr was born in Larnarkshire, Scotland, July 25, 1836. At nine years of age he was apprenticed to the weaver's trade. Eight years later he came to the United States with his parents, and for a time worked in coal mines at Sharon, Pa. In 1856 he removed to Iowa, and in 1858 entered the Upper Iowa University; September 15, 1861, he enlisted in the University Recruits, and in October was mustered in as Corporal of Company C, 12th Iowa Infantry. Soon after the organization of the regiment he was detailed for duty in regimental hospital, and served in that position, giving the sick and wounded of the regiment at St. Louis, Donelson and Shiloh excellent care. After the battle of Shiloh he was promoted Hospital Steward and served continuously with the regiment, re-enlisting as a veteran December, 1863. September 15, 1865 — just four years after his enlistment — he was commissioned Assistant Surgeon, in place of Underwood, mustered out. From that time to the muster-out Barr had entire charge of the sick of the regiment. Upon his return home he entered the office of Dr. C. C. Parker. He received his diploma from Rush Medical College in 1868, and soon after located at Algona, Iowa. He married Miss Salina M. Bradshaw in 1871. He and his wife were active members of the M. E. church and prominent in social affairs at Algona until 1894, when they removed to California, and are located at Los Angeles.

SOURCE: David W. Reed, Campaigns and battles of the Twelfth Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, p. 252-3

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