
Sunday, June 20, 2010

John S. Strain

John S. Strain, of Company B, was his successor. He was in this position in the later days of the Regiment, and he was always ready when wanted, and capable.

I have thus given hurriedly, amid the pressing cares of business, my recollections of the Field and Staff of the Regiment. Omissions must have been made, I know, but the fault must be attributed to the failure of memory in passing years. It is difficult to signalize any one where all did their duty so well. But the members of the Field and Staff, as well as every officer and soldier of the Regiment, have my lasting regard. They bore so many hardships without murmur that, as I have often said, "the meanest man among them was a hero."

And they have no more fond and faithful friend and lover than their old Commander.

Second Colonel Of The Regiment,
Brigadier-General Of Volunteers,
Brevet Major-general.

1420 New York Avenue, Washington, D. C., May 26, 1886.

SOURCE: William W. Belknap, History of the Fifteenth Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, p. 49

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