
Friday, June 4, 2010

Judge McFarland of Boonesboro, is dead.

His death occurred a few days since at his residence in Boone county. During the earlier history of central Iowa, he was Judge of the Judicial District. Naturally, Judge McFarland was a man of bright intellect and of [a] social generous disposition. He had the capacity to fill exalted positions with honor to himself, and with benefit to his constituents. But he unfortunately darkened every prospect of usefulness, through intemperance. He died the victim of the firey cup. Aside from the fatal habit which [culminated] in delirium [transe] and death, Judge McFarland had the redeeming excellencies of a kind heart and generous sympathies. Let his virtues be remembered and let his frailties be forgotten. – Des Moines Register.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p. 2

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