
Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Overland Mail – Indian Troubles

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, April 29. – The reported from St. Louis to-day, attributing the Overland Mail difficulties to the employees of the Company is entirely destitute of truth. Persons with whom we are personally acquainted have been in fights with Indians.

On the 17th Mr. Flowers, division agent, nine men, and two coaches with mails were attacked by Indians near Split Rock; six mail men were wounded and compelled to abandon the mails, coaches, and animals. The Indians afterwards burned Plant’s Station. The wounded party left Pacific Springs night before last.

The telegraph is open at Pacific Springs.

Another party had a fight with some Indians, and narrowly escaped; their animals were hit several times with arrows.

The station keeper at Green River was killed by Indians a few days since while endeavoring to protect mail property. Thus far Four employees of the Company have been killed; although a greater part of the stock is gone, employees remain.

A force is being raised in this city by Brigham Young, under authority of the President for the protection of the route.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p 3

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