
Monday, June 21, 2010

Siege of Yorktown

HEADQUARTERS, ARMY OF POTOMAC, April 29. – The Rebels are apparently realizing that Gen. McClellan is making great preparations to open the siege of Yorktown. Our earthworks begin to present a very formidable appearance and all day yesterday and last night, the enemy kept up a brisk fire, trying to drive us out. Nobody was injured, and the work progressed. In the morning the enemy opened fire vigorously, for three hours, from their batteries near the river, but receiving no response ceased.

Yesterday, Gen. Hancock, with a portion of his brigade, went to drive the Rebels from the woods near our works. Our troops pressed in, delivering a well directed fire, which caused the Rebels to retreat, leaving their dead and wounded. During this skirmish our men silenced the new Rebel battery, dismounting the guns, which on Sunday night had interfered with our working parties. The weather is more favorable.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p. 3

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