
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Special to New York Papers

(Tribune Correspondence.)

WASHINGTON, April 29. – The War Department has issued an order for supplies of arms and clothing for loyal blacks to be enrolled in Gen. Hunter’s Division.

NEW ORLEANS, Monday, April 21. – A special dispatch to the Delta from Fort Jackson, yesterday, says: The enemy’s fire had much slackened; he has fired 37,000 pounds of powder and over 1,000 tons of iron. This bombardment is unprecedented in the annals of warfare. Our loss so far is 5 killed and 10 wounded. The mortar vessels are out of sight behind a point of woods. We sunk two of them yesterday and disabled a steamer.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p 3

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