
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Surgeon Charles C. Parker

Surgeon Charles C. Parker was born on a farm near New Richmond, Ohio, September 12, 1823; was educated in common school and in Clermont Academy, which was established in 1839 on the Parker homestead by the Doctor's oldest brother. He studied medicine at Columbus, Ohio, where he afterward held a professor's chair for a number of years. September 12, 1855, he located in Fayette, Iowa, and commenced the practice of medicine. He was a trustee and active worker in the interest of the Upper Iowa University from the time it was established; was commissioned Surgeon of the 12th Iowa October 25, 1861, and did excellent service for the regiment during the epidemic of measles at St. Louis and in care of the wounded at Fort Donelson and Shiloh. Disease, contracted during the exposure at Fort Donelson, compelled him to resign his commission April 19, 1862. He returned to Fayette and resumed the practice of his profession, and work in the interest of the university. He has held the office of Pension Examining Surgeon, and has always proved himself to be a warm friend of deserving soldiers.

SOURCE: David W. Reed, Campaigns and battles of the Twelfth Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, p. 251

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