
Friday, June 11, 2010

Trouble Among the 2d Iowa Regiment

ST. LOUIS, February 10.

There is an excitement this evening among the 2d Iowa Regiment, Occasioned by the issuance of the following extraordinary order:

“The General commanding the District had occasion, yesterday, to commend the conduct of the 2d Iowa Regiment. To-day, he is under the painful necessity of saying that some miscreants in the regiment have been guilty of an act of wanton vandalism in the robbery and destruction of the museum attached to the McDowell College. As this was carefully guarded, and strict orders given to sentinels that no one should be admitted; the disgrace is attached to the whole regiment. they will march to the place of embarkation with colors furled, and a copy of this order shall be sent to the Governor of Iowa.


Assistant Adjutant Generals.

The facts appear to be that a cabinet, containing stuffed birds and specimens, was lately robbed by some unknown persons. A hole large enough for a man’s head was made through the partition back of the cabinet, and it could be removed by boys attached to a school in the same block, as easily as by any of the soldiers. The order was carried out, and the men went to the levee without music and with furled colors.

The men are very indignant that the whole regiment should be disgraced by a few black sheep. An effort is to be made to have General Halleck take notice of the matter, and order an investigation to be made. The regiment is expected to leave for Cairo momentarily. It has been generally praised and this unfortunate affair will take the public of St. Louis by surprise.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, February 12, 1862, p. 1

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