
Friday, June 18, 2010

Washington News

WASHINGTON, April 30. – A letter received here from a gentleman high in authority in Tennessee contains the following:

Say to the Postmaster General that we are succeeding beyond our most sanguine expectations.

As soon as the rebel army is driven beyond the limits of Tennessee the State will stand for the Union by an overwhelming majority

I hope the Governor will be impressed with the absolute necessity of the army entering East Tennessee. They are murdering our people by thousands; the acts of inhumanity and barbarity are without parallel. The letter concludes, “Great God is there no relief for that people.

The P. O. Department has reopened the following offices in Tennessee: Murfreesboro’, Springfield and Franklin.

If the Administration should not in all respects meet the expectations of the country, the failure will not be for want of volunteer advice on the war, financial and slavery questions. Numerous letters proffering it are being constantly received from all parts of the U. S., and even from Foreign lands.

It is not probable that smuggling goods into Virginia, from the Chesapeake Bay and adjacent waters, will much longer be profitable speculations. The recent numerous captures show that the revenue regulations are strictly enforced

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p 3

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