
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Adjutant David A. Kerr

Was born in Jacksonville, Illinois, August 7th, 1838. Enlisted as a private in Company A, First Iowa Cavalry. June 13th, 1861, and mustered in as first sergeant Company A, July 30th, 1861. Promoted Adjutant of the First Battalion, October 7th, 1861. Was in the engagement at Silver Creek, Missouri, January 8th, 1862, and was severely wounded in the right arm at Big Creek Cliffs, Cass county, Missouri, July 11th, 1862. Promoted Adjutant of the regiment October 1st, 1862. Was with the command at battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas. December 7th, 1862. His wound incapacitating him for field duty, he tendered his resignation on Surgeon's certificate of disability, which was accepted February 6th, 1863. Returned to place of enlistment, Keokuk, Iowa, and engaged in the drug business, and has resided there ever since.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lothrop, A History Of The First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, p. 326

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