
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Colonel William Thompson

Was born in Manallen township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, November 10th. 1813. Was moved to Mount Vernon, Ohio, in the spring of 1817, and was moved into the wilderness, where the old Thompson homestead — since made — now stands: where he lived and worked until after twenty-one years old. His early education was limited, having attended only six winter (three months') common schools, taught mainly by the old-time Irish schoolmaster. He read law and other studies with Columbus Delano, and in three years and a half was creditably admitted to the practice of law in the Supreme Court of Ohio.

In 1839 he went to Iowa, where he attained many unanticipated civic and military distinctions.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lothrop, A History Of The First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, p. 322

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