
Friday, July 16, 2010

Gloomy Prospects For The Rebels

A Dr. Banks, residing in Savannah, Ga., having just returned from a tour to Richmond; our brave Colonel Armstrong went to inquire from him what the news was. “Oh, Colonel,” said he, “we are whipped on all sides,” everything looks dark and gloomy for us. McCullough and price are killed. Columbus and Manasses are evacuated, “and hell is to pay everywhere!

The same doctor added that the Yankees would have to kill the last southern gentleman before they could be conquered. “It is not,” said he to the Colonel, “the negro question which is now mooted – it is to know whether the Puritan or Cavalier is to rule this continent. – For fifteen years we have be preparing for it, and the Yankees cannot expect to destroy in a day what we have taken so long to prepare.” – {Atlanta (Ga.) Confederacy, March 30.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p. 4

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