
Friday, July 23, 2010

Major Levi Chase

Was born October 23d, 1823, in Washington county, State of Maine. Graduated at the Collegiate Institute at Nunda, State of New York, in April, 1846. By profession an attorney at law. At the commencement of the war was practicing his profession in Louisa county, Iowa. Mustered into the service with the regiment as Captain of Company C. Was assigned to the command of the post of Osceola, and the southern division of Colonel Warren's District of Missouri, in the spring of 1862, and held this command until the fall of that year, when the post was vacated, and the regiment joined General James G. Blunt, First Division Army of Southwest Missouri, at Springfield. Missouri, and moved south into Arkansas. Was commissioned as Major February 1st, 1863, and after the capture of Little Rock, Arkansas, was by the order of the General commanding assigned to the command of Remount Camp, at Little Rock, established for the purpose of remounting the cavalry division, and putting it in condition for service. He held this command until February 12th, 1864, when he was mustered out on the Surgeon's certificate of disability. Broken down in health by exposure in the service, unable to engage in active business, he removed to the State of California and settled at San Diego in that State; and having there recovered his health, commenced and continued the practice of his profession until January, 1888, when he retired from active business to enjoy the fruits of his labors, under the sunny skies of his chosen home, protected by the just and generous Government that he had helped to save from dissolution.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lothrop, A History Of The First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, p. 322-3

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