
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Burlington, May 7, 1862

Pursuant to a call by the Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements a mass meeting of the citizens of Des Moines county was held on Wednesday afternoon, May 7, 1862, at Marion Hall to form a Soldiers’ Relief Association.

Hon. F. Wilcox was appointed Chairman & C. Marble Secretary.

The object of the meeting was stated by Hon. Jon G. Foote, who reported a constitution, which being adopted, Messrs. Putman, Gilbert & Lahee were appointed a committee to report officers, who reported the following:

Thomas French, President; Rev. J. H. Power and Rev. Wm. Salter, Vice Presidents; C. Marble, Secretary; Lyman Cook, Treasurer; J. H. Gear, David Leonard, Geo. C. Lauman, John G. Foote, Jacob Pilger, and C. B. Harrington, Executive Committee.

On Motion the report was adopted.

Hon. John G. Foot presented a memorial addressed to Major General Halleck, for the establishment of a Post Hospital in this city, which was adopted and the Chairman of the Committee (Mayor French) instructed to forward the same.

On motion of David Leonard the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That the Local Soldiers’ Aid Societies in this County be invited to become auxiliary to this Society.

On motion of Rev. W. Salter it was ordered that the Secretary furnish a copy of the proceeding of the meeting to the Hawk-Eye for publication.

On motion the meeting adjourned.

C. MARBLE, Sec’y.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 2

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