
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Captain H. S. Heberling

Company B.

Was born on December 25th, 1839, and comes of German and Scotch parents, whose ancestors came to Virginia and Pennsylvania about one hundred and fifty years ago. John Heberling, his grandfather, as well as John Coble, his other grandparent, were both soldiers in the war of 1812, and natives of this country. His father, John Heberling, a resident still of Miles, Iowa, and a native of Virginia, was an abolitionist of the most pronounced type; while his brother, Dr. James Heberling, was a resident of Missouri and espoused the Confederate cause. The Captain was therefore of a temperament known among soldiers as “fiery." He enlisted as a private at Lyons, Iowa, on May 5th, 1861. in a company that became B of the First Iowa Cavalry, and served as duty sergeant, orderly or first sergeant, Second Lieutenant, and at close of war was Ambulance Officer and A. A. A. Q. M. Second Cavalry Division, Military Division of the Gulf, with rank of Captain by brevet, and now, by the courtesy of comrades in whose welfare he feels a deep interest, is President of the First Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteer Association.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lothrop, A History Of The First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, p. 329-30

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