
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Captain William Prescott Allen

Company C.

Born Momaston, Maine, September 1st, 1843; son of Rev. L. B. Allen, D. D., a Baptist clergyman. Moved to Burlington, Iowa, at age of 14 years. Enlisted as a private of Company C, First Iowa Cavalry Volunteers, at age of 17 years. Re-enlisted in same regiment as veteran volunteer at Little Rock, Arkansas. Appointed Second Lieutenant Sixty-seventh United States Colored Infantry in 1863; regiment consolidated with Sixty-fifth United States Colored Infantry in 1864 ; and was promoted First Lieutenant and Adjutant. Appointed Post Adjutant, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and breveted Captain in 1864. Mustered out with regiment at Benton Barracks, Missouri, in 1865. Came to Minnesota and engaged in Government land surveys for five years, then went into lumber business. At present, vice president and manager of C. N. Nelson Lumber Company; residence at Cloquet, Minnesota. He is a widower. with two children.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lothrop, A History Of The First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, p. 332

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