
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Clement M. Bird

Company E.

Was born October 9th, 1837, in Northumberland county, Pennsylvania. At the age of twelve left school and went to work in a rolling mill, in Dowville, Pennsylvania. At the age of seventeen years came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and there learned the plasterer's trade. At the breaking out of the rebellion he enlisted in Company F, First Iowa Infantry, for three months, April 15th, 1861. Was discharged August 20th, 1861, at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. Enlisted in Company E, First Iowa Cavalry, September 1st, 1861. Wounded March 19th, 1862. Veteraned January 1st, 1864. Final discharge, February 15th, 1866, at Austin, Texas, making an almost continued service of 1,741 days. Since the war he has followed the business of plastering and bricklaying. Was married September 4th, 1866; has raised a family of three girls and one boy, and his present home is at Afton, Union county, Iowa.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lothrop, A History Of The First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, p. 334-5

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