
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Com. Foote Conducting Devine Service Among His Sailors

Our Correspondent with Com. Foote’s flotilla writes as follows:

“On Sunday last the officers of the fleet received an invitation to attend divine service on the flag-ship. The capstan, covered with a beautiful flag (the stars and stripes) served for the preacher’s desk. Com. Foot leaning on Lieut. Phelps, advanced, and laying a book upon the desk, commenced reading some prayers from the liturgy of the English church. – After this he took up the Bible and read the interview between our Savior and Nichodemus, as recorded in the Gospel of St. John. He then preached a sermon to the officers and crew on the subject of regeneration, or the new birth. I did not attend, but I sent a person in my place to jot down the items. He tells me Com. Foote is a good speaker, and was listened to by a large and attentive audience. He spoke about twenty minutes. My locum tenens assures me that the old sailor talks almost as well as he fights." –{Cairo Gazette, May 1.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 2

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