
Friday, August 6, 2010

Dr. McGugins’s Report

We yield much of our space on this page to-day to the important report of Dr. D. L. McGugin, Surgeon and Medical Inspector of Benton Barracks. Dr. McGugin is a gentleman of fine scientific and medical attainments; for thirty-six years he has been a practitioner of medicine, and we believe has been connected with the Iowa Medical College since its organization in this city, some thirteen years ago. The report will be found complete and very minute in its details of the causes that have led to so much sickness among the soldiers stationed at Benton Barracks. Very many theories have been advanced in respect to the unprecedented mortality among the Iowa troops at St. Louis, but here we have the true causes that have led to their sickness. We thank the Doctor for having selected the GAZETTE as the medium for spreading this information before the public. We regret our inability to publish the report entire in this mornings paper, but the conclusion will be given to-morrow.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, February 13, 1862, p. 2

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