
Friday, August 27, 2010

A. F. Wildasin

Company E.

Was born in York county, Pennsylvania, October 10th, 1836. "My father removed with his family to Clark county, Ohio, in 1840, eight miles west of Springfield, on the old National road, where I was reared, and received simply a common school education. On the 18th day of August. 1857, I was married to Mary B. Howott, near Troy, Miami county, Ohio, near which place I lived until the spring of I860, when we moved to the State of Iowa, and engaged in farming with the most flattering prospects of success. But in the spring of '61 the war broke out, and I enlisted in the First Cavalry during the entire war. I append my military history. Enlisted as a private in Company E, First Iowa Cavalry, on the 28th of July, 1861. Was promoted to eighth corporal October 25th, 1861; seventh corporal, May 12th, 1862; sixth corporal, June 8th, 1862; fifth corporal, August 6th, 1862; and on the 8th day of September, 1862, shortly after the fight at Clear Creek, Missouri, where 1 had my horse shot under me, was promoted to fourth sergeant; third sergeant, January 1st, 1863; second sergeant, April 3d, 1865. Was mustered out at Austin, Texas, February l5th, 1866. After the war returned to the State of Ohio, where I have ever since resided. Of late years I have followed mostly the profession of running steam engines. My post office address is Casstown, Miami county. Ohio. There were two children born to us. The oldest. a girl, was born in Ohio, and was about two years old when we moved to Iowa. Our boy was born in Henry county. Iowa, after I had enlisted as a soldier. When I was home on re-enlistmont furlough, he took sick and died. My daughter lives in Cass county, Ohio, the wife of John Hance."

SOURCE: Charles H. Lothrop, A History Of The First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, p. 334

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