
Monday, August 23, 2010

From Fort Monroe


There was no flag of Truce to-day; no arrivals from the Burnside expedition.

As the boat was coming down from Newport News this morning, a man was picked up in a small boat who left Norfolk yesterday morning and made his escape from Sewall’s Point. He confirms all previous reports and adds, that Norfolk has been placed under martial law and volunteers are to defend the city are called for in vain.

The work on the Merrimac was stopped on Saturday last, and she is now at the Navy Yard, drawing so much water that she could not get out, even if she were ready for sea.

The greatest alarm prevails at Norfolk, and an attack is momentarily expected. – There are said to be only about 200 troops at Sewall’s Point.

A rumor was in circulation at Norfolk that the defeat at Roanoke Island was owing to the treachery of the North Carolina troops.

The great Sawyer gun at Newport News burst yesterday while being fired. Two men of a Massachusetts regiment were instantly killed and another seriously injured. Four or five other persons who were in the vicinity were also wounded, but not seriously.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 14, 1862, p. 1

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