
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

From Mexico

NEW YORK, Feb. 13.

The steamer Columbia brings Havana dates of the 8th inst.

It appears that Miramon, arriving at Vera Cruz from Havana, was arrested by the British Admiral for a former robbery of the British legation in Mexico.

Sickness and death among the allied troops is frightful.

Talcott, formerly civil engineer of the Mexican Railroad, who left to join the rebels in South Carolina, has returned to Havana on the pirate steamer Kate, and is en route for Vera Cruz, in hopes to obtain his old situation, in which he will be disappointed.

NEW YORK, Feb. 13.

The steamer Columbia has arrived from Havana 8th.

A newspaper correspondent reports the sickness among the allied troops in Mexico as frightful.

The rebel schr. Victoria sailed from Havana on the 7th, with a cargo of arms and ammunition.

Lieut. Moffit, late commander of the Federal steamer Canada, is now commander of the rebel schr. Cecil.

Juarez had proposed terms of peace to the allies, which were rejected.

BALTIMORE, February 13.

The steamship Baltimore arrived her last night, bringing Havana dates of the 6th inst.

Miramon was arrested on board the Avon and is confined on H. B. M. ship Challenge and will not be allowed to land in Mexico.

The British ship Gladiator is still at Nassau mounting guns. She will change her flag and become a rebel privateer.

The commissioners had returned from the city of Mexico. The Mexican government insisted upon the withdrawal of the Spanish forces, but accepted the intervention of France and England.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 14, 1862, p. 1

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