
Sunday, August 29, 2010

From the Seventeenth Regiment

ST. LOUIS, MO, April 26th, 1862

This day the Field and Staff Officers of the Iowa 17th regiment and the commanders of companies met at the quarters of the Colonel, and passed the following resolutions:

Resolved, That our gratitude be expressed and our thanks tendered to the Hon. Samuel J. Kirkwood, the Executive of the State of Iowa, and to Col. N. B. Baker, the Adjutant General, for their exertions in behalf of the raising and organization of the Iowa 17th regiment, to which we belong, and especially for their zeal and energy in securing the acceptance of the regiment, when, from some cause unknown to us, the Adjutant General of the U. S., at Washington, advised that it must be disbanded.

Resolved, That our thanks be tendered to the editors of newspapers in Iowa for their great liberality in commending the Iowa 17th to the able-bodied men of the State, for repeated favorable commendations and for the gratuitous publication of recruiting notices.

Resolved, That we are proud of our noble young State – proud of her gallant regiments now in the field – proud of their moral and heroic prowess displayed in the very jaws of death – proud of the Iowa ladies, ever at the bed of the sick and wounded soldiers – proud of our friends at home who bid us God speed and here being about to step on the battle field, we add the resolve that we will not tarnish the fair fame of the proudest State of the Federal Union.

JOHN W. RANKIN, Colonel.
D. B. HILLIS, Lieut. Colonel.
S. M. WISE, Major.
S. GUTHRIE, Lieut. And Adjutant.
E. J. ALDRICK, Lieut. And Q. M.
Capt. JOHN L. YOUNG, Co. A.
Capt. W. H. HOXIE, Co. B
Capt. S. M. ARCHER, Co. C
Capt. C. R. WEVER, Co. D
Capt. J. F. WALDEN, Co. F
Capt. WM. HORNER, Co. G
Capt. D. A CRAIG, Co. H
Capt. H. N. MOORE, Co. I
Capt. S. E. HICKS, Co. K

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 2

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