
Sunday, August 1, 2010

From Washington

(Tribune’s Correspondence.)

NEW YORK, Feb. 12.

Mr. Arnold, from the committee on lake and river defences, will report to-morrow. The committee recommends extensive repairs of the fortifications at Mackinaw, St. Clair river, Buffalo and Oswego; the establishment of a national foundry at Chicago, for the casting of heavy ordnance; depots for naval stores on Lakes Michigan, Erie and Ontario; and the enlargement of the Ill. And Mich. Canal. The report embraces statistics relative to the commerce of the lakes.

It says, there is no present danger of a rupture with Great Britain, but that power has an advantage over us in the St. Lawrence and Welland Canal, capable of admitting gun boats from the Atlantic, which we ought to counterbalance, in order to be prepared for all possible emergencies.

The Naval committee of the House, will recommend an appropriation of $15,000,000, to build gun boats.

Advices from Hatteras state that the loyal blacks from N.C. help to man the fleet of flag officer Goldsboro, and to serve the guns which have sunk the rebel gun boats and compelled the surrender of Roanoke Island.

Gen. C. P. Smith [sic], lately at Paducah has not been rejected by the Senate. Objections to him being made by the Kentucky Senators, the nomination was laid over for the present.

The Secretary of War calls from proposals from shippers, ship owners and express lines by telegraph, mail or personal application, for establishing a regular daily communication between Fort Monroe and Port Royal, Hatteras and Roanoke Island. No proposition of a speculative nature will be entertained, nor will the contract be given to any person not in the line of business proposed.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, February 13, 1862, p. 1

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