
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Iowa Officers in Memphis

The Memphis Daily Appeal gave a list of Federal officers captured at Shiloh furnished by Gen. Prentiss. The list was not complete – the following Iowa officers were named:

Col. Geddes and Lieut. Col Ferguson of the 8th, Major Stone of the 3d and the following captains of the 8th: W B Bell, Calvin Kelsey, John McCormick, F. A. Cleveland, Wm Stubbs, also Capt. Galland of the 6th and Capt. Hedrick of the 15th.

Also the following Lieutenants:

H Fisk, 15th; Dewey Welch, 8th; H B Cooper, 8th; D J O’Neil, 3d; John Wayne, do; J P Knight, do; J M Thrift, 16th.

Also the following officers of the 12th:

Adj N E Duncan, Quartermaster J B Dorr; Sergt Maj G H Morrissy; Capts. S R Edgington, W C Earle, W W Warner, J H Stibbs, W H Haddock, L D Townsey, E M Van Duzee; Lieuts. L H Merrill, J H Borger, H. Hale, J Elwell, Robt Williams, J W Gift, W A Morse, J [R] Nickerson, L W Jackosn, John J Marks, J J Brown.

Also Adj C C Tobin, 21st Missouri, Lieut. Thos. Richardson 21st Missouri.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 1

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