
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Latest from Fort Henry

Special to Chicago Journal

FORT HENRY, Tenn., Feb. 9.

A detachment of Cavalry, some 250 strong, hand an engagement to-day about seven miles east of Fort Henry, on the road to Fort Donaldson [sic]. The Union troops were under command of Major Mudd, of the 2d Illinois cavalry. Carson and Brink, of Grant’s Staff, were in the engagement. Five rebels were left dead on the field. Thirty prisoners and thirty horses were captured. One man of the 2d cavalry was wounded.

The 49th Illinois and the 52 Indiana regiments arrived here to-day.

A detachment of the 32d Illinois regiment yesterday evening destroyed a portion of the Louisville, Clarksville and Memphis Railroad. The road is incapacitated for rebel transportation for the present.

Captain Lagon, of General Grant’s Staff, brought down five wagons and other [property]. The rebel camp at the railroad bridge had been previously evacuated.


FORT HENRY, Feb. 10.

This morning a box of cartridges exploded in one of the tents of the infantry encamped near the parapet. The arm of one of one of the privates was broken.

Nineteen dead bodies of rebels are reported to have been found in one of the trenches of Fort Henry. Our troops captured, near the railroad bridge, a thousand dollars worth of hides and twelve boxes of beef, and the telegraph office batteries at Danville.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, February 13, 1862, p. 1

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