
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Legislative Summary

(From Des Moines Register, 12th inst.)

Yesterday morning the Senate disposed of a large amount of business, as well as on Monday, but no business of general interest was acted upon finally. Messrs. Hatch, Burdick, Boardman and Hagans, introduced new bills, the scope of which will be seen by a glance at the report. Mr. Dysart’s County Court Bill, as amended by the Judiciary committee, was the special order for two o’clock, and the afternoon was spent in Committee of the Whole on its consideration. The author of the original bill, the learned chairman of the Judiciary committee, and in fact the entire legal ability of the Senate, deserve the applause and gratitude of the people of the State for the zeal, industry, and care devoted to the perfection of this measure. Its consideration in committee was not fully completed, with without material alteration of its present features there is little and perhaps no doubt of its passage.

In the House, H. F. No. 62, a bill for an act to amend Sec. 840, Chap. 46 of the Revision, relating to the establishment of roads was passed; also H. F. No. 104, a bill for an act to legalize certain taxes for School House purposes in Huron Township, Des Moines county; also S. F. No. 33, a bill for an act in relation to Jury Fees. – H F. No. 85, a bill for an act prescribing the duties of Township Trustees and Road Supervisors in certain cases was discussed a long time and finally laid on the table.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 14, 1862, p. 1

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