
Monday, August 23, 2010

Lieutenant Clinton M. Turner

Company C.

Was born May 27th, 1835, in Jefferson county, Indiana. Removed to Iowa with parents at the age of five years, when Iowa was a territory. Was raised on a farm. At the breaking out of the rebellion was a miller and engineer. Enlisted on the night of the 14th of April. 1861, for the First Infantry of Iowa, but owing to the rush of companies did not get into the First or Seventh Infantry as expected. Finally went with a squad of sixteen to Burlington, and enlisted in Company C, First Iowa Cavalry. Was elected first corporal upon organization of the company. In 1862 was promoted to commissary and quartermaster sergeant. In the veteran organization in 1864 was commissioned Second Lieutenant, and in the same year was promoted to First Lieutenant. Under the veteran organization was detailed at different times to command Companies I, L and B, in absence of other commissioned officers.

Participated in all campaigns and engagements of the regiment, closing with the expedition under General Custer into Texas. Was never in hospital a day. Was mustered out with regiment at Davenport, March 15th, 1866 — lacking but thirty days of five years from date of first enlistment.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lothrop, A History Of The First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, p. 332-3

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