
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Seneca Brown Thrall

THRALL, SENECA BROWN, was born in Utica, Licking co., O., Aug. 9th, 1832, his father being H. L. Thrall, M. D., for a number of years prof. of chemistry, etc., in Kenyon coll., and subsequently a prominent physician of Columbus, O. Graduating in 1851 from Kenyon, he attended lectures at Starling med. coll., Columbus, in 1851-52, subsequently attending lectures in the med. dep't of the univ. of N. Y., from whence he graduated M. D. in March, 1853. After [practicing] for short periods at Columbus and Belle Centre, O., he finally, in May, 1856, established himself at Ottumwa, Iowa, where he has since remained. During a portion of the war he served in the U. S. army as acting ass't surg., being in the summer of 1862 in hospitals at Keokuk, and from September of that year to May, 1864, attached to the 13th Iowa infantry reg., 17th army corps. He is a member of the American, Iowa, Des Moines valley and Wapello co. med. socs., and Rocky Mountain med. asso.; was secretary of the Iowa soc. in 1864, president in 1869, president pro tern, in 1870, and has been its secretary since 1873. At various limes he has been president and secretary of the Wapello co. soc. He is an hon. member of the California med. soc. For a number of years he has been a member of the Ottumwa city school board, several years ago acting as its president. Several of his articles have been published in the Transactions of the Iowa State med. soc, issued in 1871 and in 1876. He has also read a number of other papers before the State and other societies of which he is a member. Has occasionally contributed articles to periodical medical literature, and frequently to the newspaper press, the latter non-medical, but on various subjects of interest at the time. He was married. May 15th, 1856, to Mary, daughter of Nathan Brooks, of Columbus, Ohio.

SOURCE: William Biddle Atkinson, Editor, The Physicians And Surgeons Of The United States (1878), p. 65

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