
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Benjamin F. Skinner

Company G.

Ben. F. Skinner was born in Middleburg, Indiana, December 3d, 1842, and lived there until he was eleven yearn old. The family then removed to Delaware county, Iowa. His father was a shoemaker by trade. After arriving in Iowa his father entered a large tract of land and went to farming. This did not suit the taste of the boy Ben, so he was apprenticed to the tinner's trade, at which he was at work when he enlisted as a private in Company G, First Iowa Cavalry, at Burlington, Iowa, August 15th, 1861. During his term of service was on duty at General Herron's headquarters for nine months. Returned to his company when the expedition to capture Little Rock was organized. Was sunstruck at Clarendon, Arkansas, and nearly lost, his life. The Camden expedition nearly used him up, as he was sick nigh unto death until discharged at Davenport, Iowa, September 9th, 1864, as high private, and then he thanked God his soldier days were over. He is now a robust G. A. R. man, a tinner by trade, and lives at Manchester, Iowa; and if any of old Company G pass his way, he invites them to be sure and call.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lothrop, A History Of The First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, p. 341

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