
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Brilliant Skirmish

(Special to Louisville Journal.)

NASHVILLE, - May 4. – Gen. Dumont with portions of Wolford’s and Smith’s Kentucky cavalry, and Wynkoop’s Pennsylvania cavalry attacked Morgan’s and Wood’s cavalry, 800 in number at Lebanon, Tenn. on Monday evening at four o’clock. The rebels were utterly routed, and large numbers slain, and one hundred and fifty five taken prisoners. Nearly all their horses and arms were captured. They fled after fighting one hour and a half.

Gen. Dumont is in pursuit, and will capture the whole force. The prisoners will be here this evening. It was a brilliant affair and managed with great skill by Gen. Dumont.

Morgan is reported killed.

Col. Wolford was wounded in the abdomen seriously and Col. Smith was wounded in the leg. The rebels were completely surprised and outwitted.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 4

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