
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Edward J. Brown

Company G.

Edward J. Brown was born in Wayne county, Michigan, May 10th, 1842. Educated at the State Normal School, Ypsilanti. Came with his parents to Dubuque, Iowa, January, 1854, and there lived until the war broke out, when he enlisted, June 13th, 1861, under Lieutenant H. H. Heath, (afterwards Captain Company L.) Company G, First Iowa Cavalry. After three years' and three months' active service, he was mustered out at Davenport, September 9th, 1864. After the war he engaged in the insurance business for several years, and is now located at Quincy, Illinois, where he has been engaged in the business of dealer in nursery stock for the last twelve years.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lothrop, A History Of The First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, p. 342-3

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