
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

From the New Orleans Fleet

The following letter is from William Sells, addressed to his father, the Secretary of State. – It gives us pleasure to publish it:


DEAR FATHER: – I have heard nothing from home since I left Baltimore, which was last of February. I have written you several letters since, one from Port Royal, one from Key West, and one from Ship Island. The great battle has not yet taken place, but will, quite soon, as the vessels are nearly all here. It may take place in the next 10 days, or sooner. Gen. Butler has landed some of his troops (about 6,000) at Biloxi, but for what purpose I cannot tell. The general impression here, is, that this will not only be the greatest battle of the war, but the greatest naval engagement on record. The Forts mount about 400 guns. Fort Jackson, the first, has two tiers of casemated guns, and one of barbette guns. One half mile above Fort Jackson is Fort Phillipi [sic], with one tier of guns.

Just below Fort Jackson there is an immense chain across the river buoyed on six schooners filled with wood so they cannot be sunk. At each end of the chain is a land battery but the worst place is above the chain at Englishtown. There they raked us four times; but land batteries are easily shelled out. But to take these place we are amply prepared, I think. There are some in the fleet that think we will be whipped; but I have no such thoughts. I think the men that have charge of the expedition, know their business. We have 21 bomb schooners, each carrying a 13-inch mortar, and will throw a shell three miles, and are very accurate and desperate. The shell contains 7 pounds of powder in addition, we will have about 30 war steamers, some of our best sloops and gunboats, including the Mississippi, Pensacola, Richmond, Hartford, Iroquois, Brooklyn, Harriet Lane, &c., including four New York ferry boats with immense power to tow schooners. – We have now two 9-inch guns, one rifle, four 24-puonders, and the best gunners in the fleet. For a while we did not practice much; but of late, the captain has taken hold personally.

We are to have for the fight, four more 6-inch guns from the frigate Colorado. She can’t get over the bar. Also 80 more men, which will give us a crew of 200 men. But we expect to come out of the fight with much less. All the large vessels carry a twelve pound howitzer “in the top” of each mast. They expect to go within three hundred yards of the forts and drive the gunners from their guns.

The captain of the Colorado, as he can’t get his vessel in, has volunteered to cut the chain. I have volunteered to take charge of our powder division, which is 30 men. They are also pikemen and boarders, and here, each man leads his men. –{Des Moines Register.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 2

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