
Friday, September 24, 2010

From Pittsburgh Landing

Pittsburgh Landing, May 3 – 9 P. M. – Six deserters arrived yesterday and ten to-day. All confirm the capture of New Orleans.

A few days ago one Tennessee and one Mississippi regiment of 12 months men stacked their arms, their time having expired and refused to serve any longer though required by conscript law. Beauregard put two regiments to guard them yesterday, and numbers are leaving daily.

All rumors of a battle here or vicinity are unfounded.

We think that the roads will be passable in a day or two so that the army can advance.

Hospital boats and stores are arriving daily.

Gen. [Finnell] of Ky., and a host of surgeons and nurses arrived to-day.

PITTSBURGH LANDING – May [3] – The following dispatch dated near [Farmington] has been received at headquarters:

A reconnoissance sent towards Farmington found the enemy [4,500] strong, four pieces of artillery and some cavalry occupying a strong position near the town. Our forces advanced at once to the assault, and after a short skirmish, carried the position. The enemy left thirty dead on the field, also their tents and baggage. Our cavalry are pursuing. The whole affair was very handsomely executed – our regiments charging batteries and their line of infantry at the double quick. The enemy fled in wild confusion. Regiments of cavalry sent through to Boonville took possession of the town, tor up the railroad track and destroyed two bridges.

We have got a good many prisoners. I cannot yet tell how many. Our loss was two killed and twelve wounded.

(Signed.) JOHN POPE, Maj. Gen.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 4

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