
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Later From Europe

NEW YORK, May 7. – The steamer Australian from Liverpool on the morning of the 26th and Queenstown 27th ult., arrived here this afternoon.

The news is quite meagre.

The steamer [Tubahlan] had left Liverpool for Nassau with a very heavy cargo of arms and ammunition, doubtless destined for the South.

The London Times gives a report that the Austrian government had demanded explanation relative to Palmerston’s late speech on Italy, so far as regards to the retention of the Vienetia.

The times has a sarcastic editorial on Lincoln’s proclamation for a day of thanksgiving, and think it quite premature, as the affairs at the time were most critical and battles were impending; it was the meaning of that part of the proclamation which refers to the deliverance from foreign invasion and intervention; it thinks it cannot be for justice in the Mason and Slidell affair.

It is proposed to consolidate the public debt of France in one uniform security of three per cents.

Bourse heavy and declining 70f 35c.

Garribaldi has renounced is intention of going to southern Italy.

It is reported that Victor Emanuel will remain some time in Naples and thence go to Rome.

The French and Italian troops had come to an arrangement for the suppression of reactionary movements on the Papal frontiers, and were acting in concert.

A Shanghai dispatch of March 15th, says it is rumored that the rebels intended to attack Foo Choo.

Liverpool, April 26. – W., N. & Co., report flour at a reduction of 6d per bbl; sales at 26 @31. Wheat, very dull, and to effect sales 1@ 2d additional to prices would have to be made; red western 10 s 6d@11s 6d; white 11s 9d@12s 6d; common inactive and 6d@9d lower; mixed 27s 9d. Beef quiet, and buyers decline to buy. Port easier – quotations nominal. Bacon, moderate to steady rates. Lard ranging 41s up to 48s for fine. Butter rather lower for secondary qualities. Brokers circulars report coffee dull.

London market. – Bange Bros. report Breadstuffs quiet to steady. Sugar inactive and barely supported. Tea, fair. Coffee, buoyant. Tallow, firmer.

{Latest – Liverpool, Saturday evening}

The Times has an editorial on the American struggle. It sees nothing for the negroes but slavery extension or expulsion.

A weekly journal is to appear in London next week, advocating the cause of the rebels.

The Literary Gazette is defunct after an existence of forty five years.

There has been a battle between the Turks and insurgents in Allzan; the Turks lost 400 men and four cannon.

Breadstuffs quiet and heavy, but without alternation in rates. Provisions dull and drooping.

London, Saturday. – Consols for money 93 [illegible fraction] @93 7/8 . [illegible] C. shares 48½ @ 48.

The Paris Patrie learns that two English frigates leave on the 26th for Bermuda with ordnance and ammunition.

The Patrie asserts that England is about to concentrate troops and war material at Bermuda.

The first Austrian iron plated frigate launched will be in commission in June. Three others are building.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 3

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