
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Operations in Northern Alabama

BRIDGEPORT, Ala., April 30, 1862

Gen. Mitchell has finished his campaign, by the complete victory which he gained over the forces of Gen. E. Kirby Smith, at this place yesterday afternoon, and which you have doubtless had by telegraph. I left the force of Gen. Turchin evacuating Decatur, and came to Stevenson, knowing that important movements were in contemplation in these quarters.

I found that Col. Sill had on Sunday managed to cross Widow Creek, and was marching on Bridgeport on Monday. On the latter day his brigade was joined by the 3d Ohio, Col. Beatty, and it was understood that Col. Lyttle’s brigade was in the rear, acting as a reserve. On Tuesday, the march began, under command of Gen. Mitchell, who had come up, and we pushed eastward along the line of the railroad, dragging two pieces of artillery by hand for a distance of 20 miles, at the least.

It was about 4 o’clock in the afternoon of yesterday – Sunday – that we came upon the enemy’s pickets, three miles from Bridgeport. They were stationed on the side of a small stream, the bridge across it having been burned, and we soon found they were supported by an infantry and two cavalry regiments, the former of which came up and engaged our advance, the 33d Ohio. This regiment was the only one which appeared to the sight of the rebels, and after half an hour’s work they fell back unpursued, as no means were had by the rebels for crossing the stream.

General Mitchell in the meantime made a detour to the left with his whole force, and after marching a mile came upon a road which led to Bridgeport. He immediately started for this point, and after an hour’s weary march approached the rebel fortifications on the bank of the Tennessee. This march was one of incredible difficulty and danger. Gen. Mitchell was placing himself with five regiments of infantry, two companies of cavalry and two pieces of artillery, between two divisions of an enemy much stronger combined than himself. Had he been defeated he could not have managed to retreat – it would have been an utter impossibility.

We halted at 6 o’clock at the foot of a hill, and the column deployed right and left and formed into line of battle where they stood hidden from the enemy by the hill. The artillery stood in the centre, the 33d and 2nd Ohio on the right, with the 10th Wisconsin and 21st Ohio on the left. As soon as formed in line, the whole column advanced, and reaching the crest of the hill, looked down upon the enemy. Again they came to a halt. Peering above the top of the hill, I saw the whole of the rebel force below the hill, in their entrenchments. The setting sun glistened on thousands of stacked guns, and two pieces of brass cannon. The men had evidently been drawn up in line of battle at the first alarm, but when it had ceased they stacked arms and were now engaged in eating supper. Captain Loomis, when the force halted, stepped forward, saw the enemy, calculated the distance and stepped back undiscovered. In a moment he had given his orders, the cannon were charged with canister and moved to a position in which they were brought to bear on the main body. This evidently consisted of four full or parts of regiments of infantry. The first warning which the rebels had of their danger, or of our near approach, was the discharge of our artillery and the launching of the terrible death-dealing missiles in their very midst. They spring instantly to their guns, hundreds, however, flying in every direction. The main body evidently intended standing, but a second discharge added to the panic, and the whole force fled as our columns in line marched to the top and began the descend of the hill on a charge bayonets. – They frightened, without a single general discharge, broke for the river and quickly crossed the bridge. When we reached the works of the rebels they were deserted, a few dead and wounded alone remaining. The rebels fired with precipitancy, their speed increasing as they went, followed by the shells of Capt. Loomis. – They managed to fire the bridge and a good portion of it was destroyed, but the half west of the island was saved by Gen. Mitchell’s personal exertions. Having reached the other shore the rebels abandoned their camp and stores on that side, and by the whistling of a locomotive, I imagine went off at railroad speed. Capt. Loomis continued to throw shells after them for several rounds, when by order of Gen. Mitchell he ran his two pieces down the hill and placed them in position to receive the body on the railroad, whom it was anticipated would come to the aid of their friends now already and completely defeated. A second line of battle was formed in the works of the rebels, and we awaited for the rest of the rebels to attack us.

We had not long to wait. In a short time we saw the infantry on a double-quick, coming through the woods, along the line of the railroad, and the cavalry right and left. They came into the open fields and forward in splendid line of battle. The cavalry looked Magnificent and came dashing along in splendid style. They got within 300 years of us before they discovered their mistake, and then the artillery told them of it. The canister was poured into them and away they went in every imaginable direction – infantry and cavalry mixed in one conglomerated mass of frightened and flying humanity. The cavalry was sent in pursuit when they had got out of artillery range, and the prisoners were being sent in every hour until I laid down to try to sleep.

This morning I find we have killed and wounded 72 and taken 350 prisoners and two pieces of artillery.

General Mitchell has entire possession of the railroads from Bridgeport, ten miles east of Stevenson, west to Huntsville, thence south to Decatur, north to Athens, and in a month will have the railroad lines running to Nashville via Columbia from Decatur and via Murfreesboro from Stevenson.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 2

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