
Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Sharp Bit Of Rebel Strategy

NEW YORK, May 6. – The ship Emily St. Pierre which was captured some time since, by our blockading fleet and a prize crew put on board with orders to make for Philadelphia, was subsequently recaptured by the Rebel Capt. Wilson who through stratagem made prisoners of all the prize crew and prize masters.  The vessel arrived at Liverpool on the 21st, the captain being assisted in navigating her only three or four who with himself were allowed to remain on board by our cruiser who captured her. Lieut. Stone was placed in charge of the Emily St. Pierre by our gunboat and overpowered by Wilson and the rebel steward and cook and placed in irons.

A letter from a first class merchant in Baltimore to a Liverpool mercantile firm states under date of Baltimore, April 8th, that the Federals suffered a severe defeat in the battle at Yorktown and that the Merrimac and seven other iron clad ships were out.  This was received in Liverpool by the steamship China and shows that all the merchants of Baltimore are not yet loyal.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 4

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