
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Assistant Surgeon W. D. Craig, M. D.

Was born in Montgomery County, Indiana, March 27th, 1828. He was raised on a farm. Was educated at Crawfordsville, Indiana. He moved to Illinois in 1849, and graduated at Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois, in the Spring of 1852. From that time, up to the Summer of 1861, he was engaged in the practice of Medicine. Was living in Aledo, the county-seat of Mercer County, Illinois, and engaged in the duties of his profession, at the time of his enlisting in the service of his country. He recruited a large portion of a Company in Mercer County. Was mustered into the service of the United States, as 1st Lieutenant Company E, 9th Regiment Volunteer Infantry, August 6th, 1861. Served in that capacity until May 12th, 1862. During the time he served as a line officer, he passed through the terrible struggles of Fort Donelson and Shiloh. He was slightly wounded at Shiloh, in the left shoulder, by a spent ball. He was assigned to the Medical Department of the Regiment, in the capacity of Assistant Surgeon, on the 12th of May, 1862. Continued with the Regiment in this capacity, until the last of December, 1863, when he was assigned to duty in Pulaski, Tennessee. During the past Winter, he has had charge of the U. S. General Hospital of the left wing, 16th Army Corpse [sic], at Pulaski, Tennessee. He has under his charge there, about an average of two hundred patients, including a Small-Pox ward of from ten to fifteen patients.

SOURCE: Marion Morrison, A History Of The Ninth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 92-3

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