
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Charles A. Spatee, Regimental Quartermaster

Was born in the Dukedom of Saxony, Altenburg, in the year 1836. He was trained for the profession of Architect. He emigrated to the United States in 1855. After his arrival in this country, he was engaged principally in working upon Railroads and Saw Mills, previous to his entering the service of his adopted country. He enlisted in the "Three months' service," as a private in the 10th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He re-enlisted, for three years, as a private in the 9th Regiment Volunteer Infantry, Company K. He was afterwards promoted to the position of a Sergeant. In December, 1861, he was appointed Commissary Sergeant. He was commissioned as 1st Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster, October 4th, 1863. He continues to occupy this position at the present time. Lieutenant Spatee was not in the military service in the old country.

SOURCE: Marion Morrison, A History Of The Ninth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 94

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