
Friday, October 22, 2010

Dr. Geo. W. Crossley

Died at his home, in Princeton, Illinois, August 31st, 1877. He was born in Clermont County, Ohio, February 14th, 1835. He came to Bureau County, Illinois, in 1854. During the exciting events of the late war, he believed it was his duty to offer his services to his Country. Having made up his mind to this effect, and a vacancy occurring in the 57th regiment. Illinois Volunteer Infantry, he went forward and joined it as Assistant Surgeon, just before the battle of Shiloh, and continued with the regiment until the close of the war. He performed the duties of Surgeon until mustered out, with marked ability and gained the confidence and respect of the entire command.

As a citizen, his character was equally well established. It is safe to say, that in the whole range of his acquaintances no man ever doubted his honesty, and it can be truthfully said, that he has left us, without leaving a personal enemy behind him. On all important questions, whether connected with his profession or of a political or social character, he thought for himself and acted upon his own judgment, but he had a profound respect for the opinions of others, and while he might not be able to agree with them, he always treated them with due respect. He thus established himself in the community as a man whose integrity was above suspicion and whose opinions were entitled to respect.

"Gone before us, O our brother.
To the spirit land!
Vainly look we for another,
In thy place to stand.”

SOURCE: William W. Cluett, History Of The 57th Regiment: Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 107

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