
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dr. Milton A. Isaacs

Died at Corinth, Miss., in July 1862. He was the son of Mr. Isaacs, of Ohio Township, Bureau County, Illinois, and was about twenty-four years old. At the time of his death, he was acting as Assistant Surgeon of the regiment. Surgeon Zearing being absent part of the time, and the doctor's anxiety and incessant labor for the welfare of the men doubtless contributed, if they did not cause his untimely death. It was his intention to become the Assistant Surgeon of the regiment, he having passed a satisfactory examination before the Medical Examining Board. He had been at Corinth about two months, at the time of his death. The officers and men paid him the most marked respect at his burial, with all the honors of war.

At a meeting of the officers of the regiment, in the field, July 30th, 1862, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS, It hath pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst by sudden death, Dr. Milton A. Isaacs, who was temporarily associated with us as Assistant Surgeon of our regiment, and by his faithful and energetic labors in behalf of the men in our commands, had won theirs and our affection, and while we bow with humble submission to the decrees of Divine Providence,

Resolved, That by the decease of Dr. Milton A. Isaacs, the profession which be had chosen lost an active, efficient, and promising practioneer — society an intelligent and accomplished gentleman — our country a devoted and sincere patriot, and our regiment a disinterested and faithful friend.

Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with those to whom he was bound by the ties of consanguinity and nature, in their heavy affliction — while we have the pleasing assurance that their loss is his gain.

G. A. BUSSE, Capt. Co. G,
F. BATTEY, Capt. Co. F,
J. T. LARKIN, Lieut. Co. B,

MAJ. E. FORSE, Prest.

SOURCE: William W. Cluett, History Of The 57th Regiment: Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 108

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