
Saturday, October 2, 2010

First Session -- 37th Congress

WASHINGTON, May 2. – HOUSE. – Mr. STEVENS, from the committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill making appropriations for the support of the army for the year ending with June 1862.

The House then took up and finally discussed the bill granting pensions.

Mr. GOODWIN said the bill had been carefully prepared and was unanimously reported from the Committee on Invalid Pensions, after being submitted to the Commissioner of Pensions for all persons whether regulars or volunteers, engaged in the military and naval service who have been disabled or wounded since the 4th of March, 1861, and while in the service of the United States, in line of duty, &c.

The further consideration of the subject was then postponed until Tuesday next.

Mr. ODELL presented a memorial from the Chamber of Commerce in favor of a tax upon all sales of merchandise, by which it is estimated that $115,000,000 can be annually collected.

The house went into consideration of private bills.

Messrs. MORRILL of Vermont, BIDDLE and VORHEES the first named having rose to a special explanation made remarks exculpating Gen. Smith from the charge of drunkenness.

Mr. WASHBURNE also defended General Grant on similar charges.

Mr. RICHARDSON thought all these things ought to be left to the military authorities.  If the riot act was read dispersing congress the army would get along much better.

Mr. FISHER vindicated Delaware from the remarks of Senator Saulsbury.

At the conclusion of Mr. FISHER’S remarks the House adjourned till Monday.

WASHINGTON, May 2. – SENATE – The president pro tem presented a message from the President in regard to the arrest of Gen. Stone which has already been reported.  The President says he will be allowed a trial without unnecessary delay.  Charges and specifications furnished him and every facility for defense afforded him by the war department.

The Confiscation bill was taken up and discussed by Messrs. Doolittle, Cowen and Wade and adjourned till Monday.

WILSON of Mass. From the Military Committee reported back the bill to facilitate the discharge from enlistment for special disabilities.

Mr. HALE offered a resolution that the Naval Committee inquire into the expediency of providing for appointments to the naval corps the same as to the Naval academy adopted.

Mr. SUMNER gave notice that he should introduce a bill to abolish coast wise traffic in slaves and to prevent the transportation of slaves through the United States.

On motion of Mr. WADE the Homestead bill was taken up.  An amendment was adopted excluding from the benefits of the bill any person who has been in arms against the U. S. or who has given aid and comfort to the enemy.

On motion of Mr. POMROY the bill was postponed until Monday.


WASHINGTON, May 5. – SENATE. Mr. HARRIS presented a petition in favor of a general Bankrupt Act.

Mr. TENEYOK offered a resolution that the Military Committee enquire into the propriety of extending provision of the Act offering $100 to volunteers honorably discharged and to such volunteers as may have been or hereafter may be disabled by warrants and discharged. – Adopted.

HOUSE.  Mr. ALDRICH introduced a bill indemnifying the people of Kansas for losses and depredations.  Referred.

The House passed the bill to provide increased revenues from imports and to pay the interest on the public debt, &c.

The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the Pacific Railroad bill.

Mr. FREDERICK A CONKLING immediately moved that the committee rise with an intention to move the postponement of the bill till the second Monday in December next.

The Motion was lost by a vote of 34 against 61.

WASHINGTON, May 5. – Mr. WILSON from the Military Committee, reported back the bill to limit the number of Major Generals and Brigadier Generals with an amendment making the Major General 30 instead of 20.  The amendment was adopted.

Mr. HALE moved to strike out 200 and insert 180 as the number of Brigadier Generals.

Mr. WILSON of Massachusetts hoped the bill would pass.  He thought 150 Brigadier Generals enough.  About 150 had been sent in here.

Mr. CLARKE thought we ought to make the bill according to the service and not according to the appointments.  The chairman of the Military Committee (Mr. Wilson) thinks that 150 Brigadier Generals is enough and yet we refuse to put the number down because we have got these appointments here and have not [illegible]ness to strike them out.

Mr. WILSON said he thought 150 enough but the President and Secretary of War seemed to think more were necessary.

Mr. HALE.  That would look to the country as if we were legislating for the salvation of the Brigadier Generals and not for the salvation of the country.

The bill was laid over.

Mr. WADE introduced a bill donating public lands to several States and Territories which provides for the benefit of agriculture and public acts.  Referred.

Mr. WILSON of Massachusetts offered a joint resolution to suspend all business under the act entitled an act to secure to the officers and men employed in the Western Department and Missouri their pay bounty and pensions.  Carried.

He also presented a joint resolution relative to an exchange of prisoners that humanity and sound policy require that the officers and men of the Army and Navy of the United States held as prisoners by the force now in arms against the authorities of the Government should be released from captivity by such exchanges as may be needful and such exchanges as a measure of humanity and military expediency would recognize solely admitted facts that these forces in arms against the authority of the United States held in captivity in prisons whom it is desirable to release by necessary practical measures.  Referred.

Mr. HALE moved to take up the resolution offered by him some time since in regard to a debate in the Senate.  Rejected yeas 17 nays [22].

The homestead bill was then taken up.

Mr. POMEROY opposed it.

The confiscation bill was then taken up.

Mr. HOWE against it.

Executive session – adjourned.

HOUSE – Various amendments were made when the committee rose and reported the bill to the house.  The previous question was ordered of the bill which was ordered to be printed in order that the House might examine the amendments with the understanding that the vote was to be taken on its passage at 2 o’clock to-morrow.


WASHINGTON, May 6. – HOUSE. – Mr. COLFAX by unanimous consent introduced a bill to prevent frauds on the Government, which provides that all persons engaged in furnishing supplies of any kind for any Department of the Government by contract or otherwise or performing any service therefore who shall be found guilty in any United States Court, and all accessories therefore shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than six months nor more than 10 years and a fine not exceeding double the amount of the fraud and all officers are required when fraud is discovered to institute suit.  Referred to the Judiciary Committee.

Mr. BINGHAM from the committee on the Judiciary offered a resolution that a committee of two be appointed to go [to] the Senate and at the bar there in the name of the House of Representatives and of the people of the United States impeach West H. Humphreys Judge of the District Court of the United States for Tennessee for high crimes and misdemeanors, and acquaint the Senate, and the House will in time exhibit particular articles of impeachment against him and make good the same and that the Committee demand that the Senate take measures for the appearance of said West H. Humphreys to answer said impeachment.

In response to a question, for information, the report of the Judiciary committee was read which in effect charged that the Judge acted out his secession proclivities.

Mr. MAYNARD showed the justice of the present proceeding for impeachment.

The resolution was adopted.

Mr. DAVIS called up the California election case reported form the Committee on Elections, declaring that F. F. Lowe is not entitled to a seat as a Representative from that State.

Mr. DAWES explained that the prayer of the memorialists was founded on a statute of the United States as well as the Constitution of the State of California claiming three Representatives in the present Congress, the number to which she is entitled under the apportionment taken on the last census.

The Pacific Railroad bill passed by 80 majority.

WASHINGTON, May 6. – SENATE. – Mr. SHERMAN offered a resolution that the Secretary of War communicate to the Senate all copies of reports of the officers in command at the recent battle of Pittsburgh.  Laid over.

Mr. KING presented petitions in favor of a bankrupt act.

The Homestead Bill was then taken up.  The question being on Mr. CARLISLE’S amendment, which was rejected by yeas 11, nays 28.  The bill was then passed, yeas 33, nays 7.

YEAS – Anthony, Browning, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Cowan, Dixon, Doolittle, Fessenden, Foote, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Harris, Henderson, Howe, Kennedy, King, Lane, of Indiana, Lane, of Kansas, McDougall, Murrill, Penny, Sherman, Simmons, Sumner, Ten Eyck, Wade, Williamson, Wilson, of Mass., Wilson, of Missouri, Wright.

NAYS – Bayard, Carlisle, Davis, Powell, Saulsbury, Willey.

Mr. ANTHONY moved to postpone the special order.  Negatived – Yeas 14, Nays 23.

The Confiscation bill was then taken up.

Mr. WILSON of Mass., offered an amendment to the amendment of the Senate, striking out all after the first section and substituting the second section.  It provides that the act shall not be construed in any way to effect the punishment of any person for treason.  The third section authorizes and requires the President to seize the property of the leading rebels substantially as the Sherman amendment to the original bill.  The fourth section provides that whenever it becomes necessary to suppress the rebellion, the President be authorized to seize the personal property of other rebels not included in the list.

The 5th section provides that when the owners of property flee so that they cannot be brought to trial and do not appear by a certain day specified by the Constitution, the property be confiscated and the slaves freed.

The 6th section provides that the President be authorized and required to make proclamation and fix the day not more than 30 days after those persons who continue rebellion, their slaves shall be set free.

The 7th section provides for voluntary colonization and emigration.

The 8th section gives the President power of amnesty.

Mr. WILSON briefly explained his substitute.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 4

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