
Sunday, October 3, 2010

From Gen. Mitchell’s Column


Hon E. M. Stanton –

Your dispatch is received.  A soldiers highest reward for his service is to merit and receive the approbation of his superior officers.

An expedition from Bridgeport crossed the river on the 1st of May, advanced towards Chattanooga 12 miles and captured stores and a Southern mail from some railroad hands.  A panic prevailed at Chattanooga and the enemy is moving all his property in the direction of Atlanta.

Gen. Leadbeater has been cashiered for cowardice at Bridgeport.

There were not more than 20,000 troops at Chattanooga.

The expedition destroyed a saltpetre manufactory in a cave and returned safely with the captured property.

Another expedition penetrated to [Jasper] on the same day and found a strong Union feeling.  They had a skirmish with the enemy’s cavalry at Athens.  Our outposts were driven back but on being reinforced the enemy retreated in the direction of Florence.

There are bands of mounted citizens scattered along my entire line threatening the bridges, on of which they succeeded in destroying.


Major General

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 4

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