
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gen. Lauman

The Pittsburg correspondent of the New York World makes the following notice of Gen. Lauman and his Brigade.

To say the Gospel truth about it he who pleaseth this brigade of General Lauman, composed of the Forty fourth and Thirty Fifth Indiana and the Seventeenth and Twenty fifth Kentucky, desperately disputed every inch of ground for five mortal hours with a force of four times their number.  Gen. Lauman, I am sure would be willing to assert this on his honor.

This youthful and spirited brigadier has carried away a large share of the laurels that were won at Pittsburg Landing.  It is a great to hear his voice quiver with enthusiasm, and to see his fine face shine with satisfaction as he discourses on the wonderful qualities of the Third Brigade of the “fighting Fourth Division.”  Gen. Lauman led the advance brigade of Smith’s Division when it stormed the entrenchments at Donelson and at the point of the bayonet determined the fortunes of the day.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 4

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