
Friday, October 1, 2010

Gen. Prentiss at Memphis

(Correspondence Cairo City Gazette.)


This evening six men in a skiff came alongside of our boat and told the following story:

We left Memphis on Sunday night, and rowed through the sloughs all the way.  The people of Memphis received Gen. Prentiss and his fellow prisoners with open arms.  The ladies especially were unremitting in their services and attentions.  They fairly loaded the General down with little nick nacks.

In return for this kindness Gen. P made a speech which was received with great applause by the larger part of the crowd.  A few black guards however endeavored to create an excitement when Gen. P exclaimed “I am a prisoner of war, it is true – but if I speak at all I will speak my mind.”  (Great applauses and some hisses.)

Hiss on you vipers!  It is your time now, but mine will soon come.  We have with 75,000 whipped your army of 125,000 under your best General.  And in less than one month the stars and stripes will float over this city.  (Cheers.)

Union men and Women of Memphis take courage!  Gent your American flags ready.  You will soon need them all.

Here the Provost Marshal of Memphis interrupted him, and said: “General, I cannot permit you to talk so.  General P replied “Sir, you must excuse me, but you see I am among friends!  Yes, thank God to the immortal honor of my command be it known they were the first to pull down the greasy filthy old rag.  I glory in that act.  You promised to whip us five to one.  Now I am part Yankee, and I say I guess we have whipped you two to one, and can do it all the time.”  Here he was again interrupted, when he remarked: “You called on me for a speech I am giving you one – the only words of truth you have heard for months.  Look how cowardly your Generals ran at No. 10 and left 300 or 400 prisoners there entirely unprovided for.  What do your leaders care for you?  They have basely deceived you.”  (loud cries of that’s so.)  Here he was told that he could speak no longer, and, as he jumped down from the box on which he stood, some one cried out, “Three cheers for General Prentiss.”  They then gave him three rousing cheers and accompanied him in crowds to the cars.

He was sent to Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 4

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