
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Marion Morrison, Chaplain

Was born in Adams County, Ohio, June 2d, 1821. He was trained as a farmer, receiving a common school education. In the Spring of 1841, he commenced the study of Latin, preparatory to the ministry. In October. 1842, he entered the Freshman class in Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, and graduated August, 1846. He studied Theology, at the A. R. Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Oxford, Ohio, and was licensed to preach, by the A. R. Presbyterian Presbytery of Chillicothe, Ohio, in the Spring of 1849. He was ordained and installed Pastor of the A. R. Presbyterian Congregation of West Fork, Adams County. Ohio, in the Spring of 1850. Was elected Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science in "Monmouth College," June, 1856. Resigned the charge of his Congregation, and removed to Monmouth, Illinois, in the Summer of 1856, and-entered upon his duties as Professor, September of the same year. He had the financial charge of “The Western United Presbyterian,” published in Monmouth for several years. In June, 1861, he assumed the entire responsibility of that paper, financial and editorial, and soon after united it with "The Christian Instructor," published in Philadelphia. He continues an Associate Editor to the above paper. In the Summer of 1861, he resigned his position as Professor in Monmouth College, and was engaged as Financial Agent of the College, until July 30th, 1863, when he was commissioned as "Captain of Cavalry, and Chaplain of the 9th Illinois Volunteer Infantry." Was mustered into the service, and entered upon the duties of Chaplain, September 4th, 1863. Has been with his Regiment ever since, except during January, 1864, when he was sent to Illinois on orders. Rejoined his Regiment February 1st, 1864.

SOURCE: Marion Morrison, A History Of The Ninth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 94-5

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