
Thursday, October 21, 2010

McClellan Stock Rising

The Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser says –

“McClellan stock has risen rapidly since the General commenced his operations before Yorktown.  Men who up to that time seemed unable to grasp fully his grand design and to understand the steps towards its consummation now unequivocally and in public avow themselves among the warmest admirers of the man whom at one time they were afraid fully to trust.  I have it on the highest authority – one that admits of no error or misrepresentation – that whatever may have been the bearing of certain members of the Cabinet hitherto towards Gen. McClellan, they are now unanimous in giving him an implicit confidence.  I may go further and say that the highest military authority in this city openly declares that Gen. McClellan’s demonstrations before Yorktown, which he has professionally visited and inspected, are those of a master in military strategy.”

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 17, 1862, p. 1

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