
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Second Assistant Surgeon W. A. Allen, M. D.

Was born in Jacksonville, Illinois, March 5th, 1830. Read Medicine with Dr. Haskall, Hillboro, Montgomery County, Illinois, 1850, 1851 and 1852. He graduated at St., Louis Medical College, in 1856, and commenced the practice of Medicine in Greenville, Bond County, Illinois, during the same year. Was engaged in pursuing his practice at that place, until January, 1863. He received a commission as 2d Assistant Surgeon in the 9th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and entered upon his duties as such, January 16th, 1863. He was detailed, for some time, to take charge of the Medical Department of the Contrabands at LaGrange, and afterwards at Corinth. Has been constantly with his Regiment since the 1st of September, 1863, having been relieved from his duties in Corinth at that time.

SOURCE: Marion Morrison, A History Of The Ninth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 93

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